MyDOSH ep2 : The development has begun.
After receiving my first payment for the proof of concept and planning system architecture, I continued the development once the research team, consisting of DOSH officers, lecturers, and research assistants, finalized the questionaire module, which we refer to as "tools1". The module is not too complicated; it is similar to the diagram below:
Actually there is some more things that breakdown the tools1 . I cannot show more than that because it's something related to research . So it is confidential .
How far it is now ?
1) Authentication
stack : firebase , OAuth2 (google) , Redux toolkit( AccountReducer)
2) Forms Handling
Default dashboard for users. Most of the components and text are placeholders or templates.
On leave forms validation using formik
Complex state management.
Pagination using Material UI.
conditional rendering with react state . if choose "Yes"
conditional rendering with react state . if choose "No"
3)State management
Currently using Redux and some Context API (FirebaseContext).
User role will keep inside currentRole Slice - Redux toolkit
One of the usage of the redux . Useful for manipulating state and condition .
Workplace dashboard .
User's dashboard .
4) Api & Backend
stack : NodeJS , ExpressJS , mysql
This is a sample DB transaction that I console.log once clicked on "Save & Continue." The cluster is just experimenting to see its impact on NodeJS.
5) View on different devices
Wrapping up
There is a lot of work needed to be done. As I progress, I realize that my knowledge is just the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous aspects of security, scalability, and performance that I need to consider. I acknowledge that learning comes through trying and making mistakes, so I am embracing the process and enjoying it.